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Eivax Introduces the Benefits of Water Purifiers to Isolate Water Pollution You Can't Imagine
Time:2024-12-24 15:54:27 views:0
There are endless food safety problems, and even the drinking water is not reassuring. Therefore, many people will choose to use water filters again to purify tap water. However, there are so many brands and models of water purifiers on the market with greatly different prices, which leads many consumers to question: are these purifiers really useful? Perhaps many of us have not yet realized that even if there is no pure water source, from the water source to the faucet in the family, not to mention the pollution of high-rise buildings and underground reservoirs, there are several environmental pollutions that inevitably exist:
- Rust
Water passes through galvanized iron pipes, and the iron in the water oxidizes to produce red iron oxide, and further oxidation produces black iron oxide. The pipes in new buildings are more easily oxidized. Almost everyone has the experience that in the first round of water from the faucet in the morning, that is, the water is red with rusty substances. Iron is an essential element, but as one of the indicators of drinking water, the iron content per liter of water should not exceed 0.3 milligrams. If the rusty color of the water can be distinguished by the naked eye or the taste of rust can be tasted, then the iron content in the water is greatly exceeded. Excessive iron content not only has a poor appearance and taste, but long-term drinking will also increase the burden on the kidneys and lead to endocrine system disorders, hypertension and other diseases. - Lead and other heavy metals
During the water transportation process, a lot of heavy metals such as lead will also dissolve into the water. Long-term drinking will increase the burden on the human liver and kidneys and is prone to cause diseases in the liver, kidneys, heart, nervous system and other aspects. - Chlorine
Chlorine is a strong oxidant with a pungent smell and an unpleasant taste. Chlorine is a widely used tap water disinfectant in the world. Residual chlorine refers to the amount of chlorine remaining in the water after a certain period of contact. According to international regulations, the safe level of residual chlorine at the end of the pipe network (household faucet) is 0.05 milligrams per liter to control the growth of bacteria during transportation. Therefore, municipal tap water basically contains a certain amount of residual chlorine. - Bacteria
Whether it is surface water or groundwater as the water source, bacteria and Escherichia coli in tap water can be said to be everywhere. Water is the source of life. Water contains nutrients and has relative thermal stability, so it provides a perfect environment for the growth and reproduction of various bacteria. Bacteria and viruses can survive and reproduce even if there are trace amounts of nutrients in the water. Everyone knows the danger of bacteria and viruses.
So, are water purifiers useful?
The basic working principle of a water purifier is to purify the water layer by layer through various filter cartridges to achieve the purpose of effectively removing some impurities. The filter cartridge technologies of water purifiers mainly include nano-particle activated carbon filter cartridges, reverse osmosis filter cartridges and post-activated carbon filters. Filter cartridges with good materials can not only remove impurities such as sediment, rust, bacteria and suspended solids in the water, remove odors in the water, but also remove calcium, magnesium and other ions and various organic and inorganic substances in the water to achieve the purpose of purifying and softening the water quality.
It can be said that installing a water purifier has many benefits. You must not have realized the following benefits of water purifiers yet! Come and have a look quickly.
Benefits of water purifiers: Solve secondary pollution of water
Tap water can kill viruses and bacteria after chlorine disinfection, but it cannot effectively remove heavy metals, volatile substances, etc.; after long-distance transportation through pipes, tap water is easily subject to secondary pollution. Therefore, people generally choose to boil it before drinking. However, boiling can only solve the problem of bacteria, and cannot solve the problems of sediment, rust, heavy metals, volatile substances and "bacterial corpses". The water quality of drinking water has not been fundamentally improved, and it will also cause serious hidden dangers to people's physical and mental health.
Benefits of water purifiers: The best alternative to bottled water
A bucket of bottled water costs about 8 to 16 yuan, which is relatively expensive. Moreover, most of this water is tap water processed by large commercial water purifiers, and there are few natural mineral waters; at the same time, the shelf life of bottled water is short. After being connected to the water dispenser, it is in an open state and is easily polluted by pollutants in the air. It should be drunk within 3 days. Therefore, it is not an ideal drinking water solution.
Benefits of water purifiers: The cost is not as high as that of bottled water
Bottled water is regarded as the daily water for a few wealthy families, but its cost is too high. It is really extravagant to use it for making soup, cooking rice and soaking fruits and vegetables.
Benefits of water purifiers: Up to drinking standards, low cost
Household water purifiers can effectively block and remove various environmental pollutants, such as bacteria, residual chlorine, heavy metals, volatile organic substances, rust, sediment and other impurities and harmful chemicals in the water. And the cost is relatively much lower than that of bottled water. The water has a good taste and good quality. It is an ideal drinking water solution for families.
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