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What are the points that need attention during the use of a hydrogen - rich water dispenser?
Time:2024-12-24 18:21:39 views:0
(1) If the hydrogen-rich water dispenser will not be used for a long time, turn off the power supply. Meanwhile, a certain amount of pure water should be injected into the pure water tank to keep the hydrogen module moist.
(2) When it won't be used for a long period, don't store water in the drinking water tank to avoid bacteria breeding and strange smells in the water.
(3) The water added to the pure water tank should have a TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) of less than 5 PPM. Purified water or distilled water can be used.
(4) It is necessary to ensure that the water source added to the drinking water tank meets the standards for drinking water.
(5) When a new product is used in the initial stage, the hydrogen concentration will gradually increase. After continuous use for about one week, the hydrogen concentration in the outlet water will become stable and reach the hydrogen concentration standard designed for the product.
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